My Experience Potty Training my Pup

Bringing a new puppy home is an exciting and joyful experience. However, along with the fun and cuddles, comes certain hurdles for new puppy owners which is potty training. I too faced the struggle of getting my puppy to use his pad, but through trial and error, I discovered effective steps that ultimately helped me transition him to do his business on his pad, and eventually outside instead of on the carpet, or my bed. If you’re currently experiencing similar frustrations, don’t worry! I will share the techniques I used to successfully train my puppy to pee on his pad and later on, outdoors.


Setting Up a Routine

One thing I discovered to be crucial was establishing a consistent toilet schedule for my puppy. I understand that it can be challenging to predict exactly when they need to go, as puppies tend to go whenever they feel the urge. Throughout the night, I made it a habit to wake up every hour, placing him on his designated pad, and patiently waiting until he was ready to relieve himself. While we didn't always achieve perfection, occasionally finding accidents on the floor before waking up, I remained persistent and didn't lose hope. Each time he successfully used his pad, I rewarded him with treats to reinforce his good behavior. Over time, he began to associate going on the pad with receiving a reward and understood the desired outcome.


Learning The Signs and Crate Training

After spending some time with my puppy, I began to recognise the signs indicating when he needed to relieve himself. I noticed a consistent pattern: within a 10-minute window after drinking water or eating, he would need to go potty. To manage this, I made sure to keep a close watch on him after meals or drinks, guiding him towards the designated potty pad.

In additon, whenever he exhibited signs to go for a number 2, such as excessive sniffing or searching for a spot to squat, I immediately understood what he required. Acting swiftly, I would gently pick him up and place him on the pad. Once finished, I made sure to reward him again for his successful potty training progress.

Consider using crate training as a tool to aid in their learning process. A crate can provide a safe and comfortable space for your puppy to rest and prevent them from having accidents while you’re unable to watch them.


Clean Accidents Effectively

Simple Solution

Extreme Stain & Odour Remover

Accidents are bound to happen, but it’s essential to clean them up properly. Use an enzyme-based pet odour remover to eliminate any lingering scents, as dogs have an incredible sense of smell and may be encouraged to go in the same spot again if they detect residual odours.


Taking Your Pup Outside

Once your vet has given you the go-ahead to take your puppy outside, it becomes crucial to start their toilet training outdoors. This particular aspect of training proved quite challenging for me, as my pup would adamantly refuse to walk outside, let alone use it as a toilet area. To tackle this hurdle, I initially started slow by allowing him to freely explore the garden while still having access to the indoors. However, he would often dart back inside and relieve himself on the carpet. Determined to overcome this, I gradually increased the time spent outside, dedicating hour-long sessions to reinforce this new routine.

Consistency was key, and just like in the previous steps, I made sure to reward him for good behavior and shower him with praise whenever he did his business outside. I decided to shift my morning routine by taking him outside first thing instead of relying solely on the potty pad indoors. Over time, he began to comprehend that the outdoors was the designated spot for his bathroom needs. In fact, he even started indicating to me when he needed to go outside.

Nevertheless, occasional accidents still occurred. But it's important not to feel discouraged in such instances. With patience, consistency, and a solid routine, your puppy will eventually choose the great outdoors over your pristine floors. Remember, training takes time, and staying positive throughout the process will help you and your furry friend achieve success.


Potty training can be a challenging task, but with perseverance, patience, and the right techniques, you can successfully train your new puppy. Remember that each dog is unique, and what works for me, may not work for another. Be flexible in your approach and adapt according to your puppy’s needs. Don’t be discouraged by set backs, as they are a part of the learning process. Soon enough, your pup will understand where and when to go potty, and you’ll both enjoy a harmonious relationship as perfect house companions.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us via Intagram DMs if you have any techniques or insights you’d like to share with other new puppy owners. Let’s support one another on this shared journey of raising happy and well-trained pups!


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